
During the Spring of 2022 I became aware of an unprecedented number of book bans taking place in the United States. This prompted a two month research project culminating in the design of an app called OpenBook. OpenBook serves to unite parents in Florida who stand against intolerance, exclusion, and censorship within education, and assist them in forming age-appropriate book clubs. These book clubs feature banned and challenged books, including classic literature and stories representing diverse communities.

It began with a research project.

Which led to something much bigger…

Introducing OpenBook

Our Kids deserve the freedom to learn — about our history, our diverse stories, and each other. All children have a right to see themselves reflected in the stories they read. No child should be deprived of the opportunity to learn about communities that are different than their own.

OpenBook helps parents fight back against educational censorship by facilitating the creation of parent-led book clubs across the state of Florida. Together, we can create local communities that have the potential to grow into a full-fledged movement. Join us today!

Take a Tour


Original Sin


Once Upon A Time